Friday, September 27, 2013


Hello one and all! This week has been great: 4 day school week with an easy professional development today. I spent the night at Jenn's on Wednesday and then was invited to a birthday dinner tonight for her. Annnddd tomorrow night I am going to London for a Jack the Ripper/Ice bar ITT trip with Kim, Stephanie, and Melanie. I'm so excited!!!! Well this post is about my school and to show pictures of where I work day in and day out :)
This is the entrance to the main office of Feltwell Elementary. This is where the office, teacher's lounge and second grade classrooms are.
The side of the main office..I just think its a pretty...
The second building..This has one 1st grade classroom and all of the third grade.  These two buildings were actually dorms back in the day.
This is by the main office. I think its so cute..I believe its where the gardening club does its thing.
And here is my building!!! Everyone thinks this is the uglier building..but hey its uh, modern. Whatever its mine!!!! This is where the library, kindergarten, first grade, 4th and 5th grade classrooms are.
Here is our lovely library...
And the 4th and 5th grade hallway..
Here is an absolutely amazing, although disorganized, closet full of novels I can use!!

And here it is!!! Da da da ddaaaaa!!!! My classroom!!!!
(That big table with the water bottles in the back is my "work table."
I love this big classroom! Its perfect for my 19 students and I couldn't be happier here. They work on the computers; we do activitites on the smart board; the whiteboards fold out for more space to write; and look at those big windows!! I love it. I hope this satisfies your urge to see where I work, I wish I could go into more detail about it. The teachers here are so kind and amazing, I definitely hope to work somewhere like this one day. 

I'll post again after London, and there is a possiblity we will go shopping in Bury St. Edmonds on Sunday. That means more pictures :) 

Love love love

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